Multiple Access Techniques for 5G.
5G cellular mobile communications. The main focus is on the cutting⁃edge research, review and application on non⁃ orthogonal multiple access and related signal processing and coding methods for the air ⁃ interface of 5G enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), mMTC, and ultra reliable and low latency communication (URLLC). Papers for this issue were invited, and after peer review, six were selected for publication.
In“Evaluation of Preamble Based Channel Estimation for MIMO⁃FBMC Systems”by Taheri, Ghoraishi, XIAO, CAO and GAO, the authors discuss a candidate waveform design for fu⁃ ture wireless communications based on MIMO⁃FBMC and tack⁃ le the challenging problem of channel estimation facing the waveform design. Specifically, they propose a novel channel es⁃ timation method which employs intrinsic interference cancella⁃ tion at the transmitter side.