

FDD-LTE Radio Link Budget


FDD-LTE link budget overview
FDD-LTE UL Link budget
FDD-LTE DL Link Budget
Cell radius and areas

FDD-LTE link budget overview 

The process of FDD-LTE network planning

Link budget input and output

Normal Link budget requirements

Link budget model

Shannon formula

FDD-LTE UL Link budget

UL Link budget process

UL link budget Methodology

Assigned  RB number

Number of Resource Blocks

For a given MCS the TBS is given different numbers of resource blocks

Modulation & Coding Scheme

This determines the Modulation Order which in turn determines the TBS Index.


Assign RB number

  • SINR Target depends on: 
    • eNode-B equipment performance 
    • Radio conditions (multipath fading profile, mobile speed) 
    • Receive diversity (2-way by default or optional 4-way) 
    • Targeted data rate and quality of service 
    • The Modulation and Coding Scheme 
    • Max allowed number of HARQ transmissions (Maximum of 4 on UL) 
    • HARQ BLER target (10% considered by default) 
  • Derived from link level simulations or better by equipment measurements (lab or on-field measurements)

Assign RB number

Rx receive sensitivity

Thermal Noise

Receiver sensitivity

UL Interference Margin

UL Interference Margin

Four Antenna configuration way

TMA gain

Shadowing Margin

Hard handover Gain

Penetration loss

Body loss

Propagation model

FDD-LTE DL Link Budget

Different of UL and DL link budget

DL link budget Methodology

DL Link budget character

DL link budget approach

  • Base on the UL link budget result decide the cell range. 
  • Base on the decided cell range, get DL path loss at cell edge 
  • Base on DL path loss and considered DL Tx power and total other gain & loss to get DL signal power at cell edge. 
  • According Geometry factor at cell edge to get other cell interference 
  • Base on DL signal power and other cell interference and noise to get DL SINR at cell edge. 
  • Base on DL SINR at cell edge and the DL bandwidth and available RB number to decide the MCS and TBS, and then, get the DL throughput at cell edge.

DL shadowing Margin

Adjacent Tx Power load

Geometry factor


DL Link budget

DL Link budget approach

Cell radius and areas

Limited link

Cell range and inter site distance


  • RB: Resource Block 
  • TBS: Transport Block Size 
  • MCS: Modulation & Coding Scheme 
  • SINR: Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio 
  • MIMO: Multiple Input Multiple Output 
  • MAPL: Maximum Allowable Path Loss 
  • TMA: Tower Amplifier 
  • BLER: Block Error Ratio 
  • HARQ: Hybrid automatic repeat request 
  • SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio 
  • NF: Noise Figure 
  • ISD: Inter-station Distance 
  • CDF: Cumulated Distribution Function 
  • TTI: Transmission Time Interval
End of Course