Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) : A form of dispersion in an optical fiber where two different polarization states of light travel at slight different velocities. This is caused by imperfections and asymmetries in the glass fiber core itself and results in random spreading of the optical signal.

Polarization Mode Dispersion
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Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) : A form of dispersion in an optical fiber where two different polarization states of light travel at slight different velocities. This is caused by imperfections and asymmetries in the glass fiber core itself and results in random spreading of the optical signal.
Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) : A form of dispersion in an optical fiber where two different polarization states of light travel at slight different velocities. This is caused by imperfections and asymmetries in the glass fiber core itself and results in random spreading of the optical signal.