



dBm (decibel-milliwatts) conversion calculator. Convert decibel-milliwatts to milliwatts, watts, decibel-watts.
Decibels to watts, volts, hertz, pascal conversion calculator. Convert dB, dBm, dBW, dBV, dBmV, dBμV, dBu, dBμA, dBHz, dBSPL, dBA to watts, volts, ampers, hertz, sound pressure.
The Erlang B is used to work out how many lines are required from a knowledge of the traffic figure during the busiest hour. The Erlang B figure assumes that any blocked calls are cleared immediately. This is the most commonly used figure to be used in any telecommunications capacity calculations.

Used to determine the approximate downward angle, measured in degrees, which the transmitting antenna is to be positioned for optimal signal strength and coverage.
Purpose to increase the coverage signal strength to the specific target location such as complaint area, building etc,. Horizontal antenna installation vs vertical antenna installation.
Link Budget Calculator determines the received signal strength (in dBm) given a systems amplifier gains, antenna gains and space loss.
Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) calculations are often used to help predict RF signal strength in an antenna system. Loss increases with distance, so understanding the FSPL is an essential parameter for engineers dealing with RF communications systems.
EIRP Calculator determines the radiated power given the transmitter power, the cable loss to the antenna, and the gain of the antenna.
SWR / Return Loss Calculator will find VSWR, Return Loss, Mismatch Loss, and the Reflection Coefficient given any one of the listed input types.
Power Density Calculator is designed to give the power density, in Watts per square meter, at a given distance, output power and antenna gain. Please note that this calculator is only valid for far-field calculations.
Upload your cell site data to generate the KML file and use it in Google Earth, nice view of cell site for your working purpose. Showing as 3D view and colorful as you define in google earth for your cell site.

This free online tool takes antenna height and the topographical formations of the earth to calculate the line-of-sight of a radio path. Note that buildings and other obstructions is not taken into consideration when calculating line-of-sight using this tool.
Point to Point Alingment tool, calculate the azimuth (direction pointing AP to AP) and downtilt or uptilt of AP to get the line of sight AP to AP.
In telecommunication, a path profile is a graphic representation of the physical features of a propagation path in the vertical plane containing both endpoints of the path, showing the surface of the Earth and including trees, buildings, and other features that may obstruct the radio signal. Google maps can display the path terrain between two points which could be useful for Microwave and SOTA amateur radio enthusiasts
To Generate KML File: Upload your link data from CSV file format. This tool to create simple KML file for your Microwave - Point to Point Link information, easy to plot your link on google earth.

The tracing and measurement of a series or network of triangles in order to determine the distances and relative positions of points spread over an area, especially by measuring the length of one side of each triangle and deducing its angles and the length of the other two sides by observation from this baseline.