

KPI in LTE Network

4G LTE - RF Optimization Objects and Target Baseline.
KPI System Overview, LTE KPIs Accessability, Retainability, IntegrityMobility Latency

• RRC SETUP SR • ERAB Setup SR (VoIP/ALL) • Call Setup SR (VoIP/ALL) • Call Drop Rate (VoIP/ALL) • Call Setup Complete Rate (VoIP/ALL) • Service UL/DL Throughput • HHO SR ( Intra/Inter Frequency) • HO in SR • Inter-RAT HHO SR • Access Latency • Service Latency • Interrupt Latency • Radio Network Unavailabil ity Rate Availability • Cell UL/DL Traffic Volume • Radio Bearer Number Utilization Radio Network KPI : Focus on the radio network performance Service KPI : Focus on the user experience • UL/DL RB Utility Rate Traffic