

Telecom Acronyms

Telecom Acronyms

Telecom acronyms in cellular systems. Best such App on the market. Check it now!

“Telecom Acronyms Finder” is a simple and free application, manufactured by Leliwa that allows you to find the elaborations of technical abbreviations used in cellular systems technologies GSM, GPRS, UMTS, HSPA, LTE, IMS, etc. In scientific publications, brochures and specifications, abbreviated names of mobile network elements, technologies and standardization groups often appear. Authors generally refer to the commonly accepted abbreviated names, without elaborating their meaning. The application allows you to quickly find the elaborations. In many cases, there is a reference to the description in Wikipedia. The database contains over 2000 acronyms.
Application name: Telecom Acronyms Finder
Operating system: Android OS (2.3+)
Size: 600kB


* requires to allow installation of apps from sources other than the Play Store (Settings / Security / Device administration)